I was very excited to see Avengers Age of Ultron, and maybe
it was my high expectations that made it seem subpar. To me the movie felt as if it dragged on to
the point where it was so long that I was just anxious to get out of the movie theater. This was strange to me. I can usually make it through long movies
with more ease that the people around me.
I have watched the extend cut of the Lord of the Rings series about
seven times now, and the shortest one is still much longer that the Avengers. This leads me to believe that Avengers was
not an engaging film.
Like most other superhero movies, Avengers focused the plot
around action. However this movie seemed
to do it in a way that took away from the plot.
It was as if the writers made a list of action scenes then sewed them
together with a weak plot. The plot only
seemed to be there to justify the next action fight scene.
However, this movie series is meant to be packed with action. I have been to many superhero movies with my
friends. Most of the time we will
disagree if a movie was good or not. If
I think a movie has a good plot, they will think it didn’t have enough
action. If they think the movie was
good, I will say there was not a good plot.
In a way Avengers age of Ultron satisfied a lot of their
viewers by really pilling on the action.
But I do not go to the movies to see explosions; I want to see a good plot.

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