At first I was a little skeptical about this movie, because
it is based on the Tomorrowland section of Disney World. Then I remembered another movie based on a
Disney World ride, Pirates of the
Caribbean , and I started to get excited for the film.
story was simple enough to entertain a child but complicated enough to
entertain an adult. There were no major
plot holes in the story and the plot line flowed pretty well. However the reason that I like this movie so
much is because it appealed to the twelve year old in my mind. My favorite movie growing up was Back to the Future Part Two. At that age I loved anything that had to do
with the future, and Back to the Future
Part Two had flying cars, robots and holograms. Tomorrowland
had all of that and more, plus the special effects were far superior. The movie brought me back to a simpler time
in my life, for that reason I am extremely biased toward this movie. Other people may not rate it as high as I
did, but that is there opinion and they are entitled to it.
If Tomorrowland had come out when I was
younger it would have been my favorite movie without question. The only reason it didn't receive a score of one
hundred is because I wish it could have been longer.

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