Sunday, October 18, 2015

Movie: Inside Out = 95/100

                At a certain point every child struggles to understand how their body works.  One of the more difficult to understand body parts is the brain.  How does the brain control the rest of the body, why do some memories stick out more than others, and what causes emotions are only a few of the questions that might cross a child's mind.  The movie Inside Out perfectly captures how an adolescent's imagination would justify the interworkings of their brain.  I personally remember having the thought of little people inside my head controlling my actions and emotions.  It was a fun way to understand anatomy.

                This movie was another box office hit for Pixar.  However I think this movie stuck out from the others because of the theme.  Inside Out had a very relatable theme for any person that had gone through a large change in the early years of their life.  It was a very motivational theme, unfortunately I don't want to discuss it at length because it is closely intertwined with the plot and ending of the story, and I don't want to ruin the story for anyone that hasn't seen it.

                If you want to smile, and are looking for a movie that will make you feel good by the end I would highly recommend you see this film.         

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